The currency fuelling the war effort, here, is “sun”. Zombies come in from the right in waves you need to “plant” your defenses to the left to stop any of them coming through and EATING YOUR BRAINS! The play area is divided into a two-dimensional grid of vertical and horizontal lanes – a no-man’s land, soon to be overrun by the littered, rotten remains of zombie corpses. They are your army, the last line of defense you have against the oncoming zombie invasion you are their commander.

Luckily, you have a range of plant seeds at your disposal, but these aren’t just any normal seeds you hold in your hand no, from these meagre beginnings sprout plants of all shapes, sizes and genotypes. Here’s the lowdown: the zombie apocalypse is here, and now you must defend your propert ah from those no good undead vermin. And yet I was right: it is just Tower Defense, but to define the game on that sole basis would be to do it a tremendous disservice. “But it’s still just Tower Defense, though, isn’t it?” Those were the words to carelessly fly out of my own mouth when I started seeing the screenshots and early first impressions. Previously viewed with a mocking sidewards glance from much of the gaming press, PopCap has, without a doubt, cemented its reputation as a “proper”, “real” games developer with this release. Zombies is the latest game from PopCap, most famously known for their phenomenally successful Bejeweled games as well as the pachinko-inspired Peggle and Peggle Nights. I want to quit so bad. Why won’t you let me quit you, Plants vs. It’s now exactly seven minutes past ten, at night, and a dialogue box pops-up, asking me, “Are you sure you wish to quit the game?” I started this review at around half-eight in the evening, yet I haven’t written a single word.